Eine Person öffnet eine Tür zu einem Hotelzimmer

Overnight stay & travelling

Here you will find information about accommodation, travel and parking options as well as information for coach groups.

© Nick Hanke

Town hall tower ride

Enjoy the incomparable panorama of Kiel from a height of 67 metres. After the guided tour of the city's landmark, you will climb up to the platform of the building, which was erected between 1907 and 1911. From this bird's eye view, you have a unique view from the city centre to the cruise port - an ideal starting point for individual exploration of the city.

Pärchen kauft eine Flasche Kieler Wein auf dem Souvenirs-Stand auf dem Rathausplatz

Kiel Christmas souvenir stand

This year you will find a selection of exclusive Kiel Christmas souvenirs and gift items 'made in Kiel' at our souvenir stand on the town hall square at number 18. All gift ideas are also available at the Welcome Centre Kieler Förde, at the Tourist Information Heikendorf and in our online shop. Take a piece of your holiday home with you or increase your anticipation for Christmas!